Banter - definizione. Che cos'è Banter
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Cosa (chi) è Banter - definizione

Discuss; Discussion; Convo; Banter; Conversationalist; Casual convo; Conversed; Conversing; Conversational; Disscusion; Oral communication; Oral Communication; Conversations; Discusion; Bants; Functional conversation; Computer-generated conversations; AI-generated conversation
  • 1935}})
  • A group of men chatting in [[Ponce, Puerto Rico]]
  • Discussion between two old friends

I. v. a.
Jeer, joke, rally, quiz, chaff (colloq.), ridicule, twit, deride, mock, make fun of, make sport of, make merry with, play upon, make a butt of.
II. n.
Raillery, ridicule, mockery, derision, persiflage, pleasantry, badinage, asteism, joking, jesting, quizzing, chaff (colloq.).
1) to exchange banter with
2) good-natured, light; witty banter
·vt To challenge or defy to a match.
II. Banter ·vt To delude or trick, - ·esp. by way of jest.
III. Banter ·noun The act of bantering; joking or jesting; humorous or good-humored raillery; pleasantry.
IV. Banter ·vt To jest about; to ridicule in speaking of, as some trait, habit, characteristic, and the like.
V. Banter ·vt To address playful good-natured ridicule to, - the person addressed, or something pertaining to him, being the subject of the jesting; to Rally; as, he bantered me about my credulity.



Conversation is interactive communication between two or more people. The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization. The development of conversational skills in a new language is a frequent focus of language teaching and learning. Conversation analysis is a branch of sociology which studies the structure and organization of human interaction, with a more specific focus on conversational interaction.

Esempi di pronuncia per Banter
1. the banter.
Gemini and Beyond _ Noah Reid _ Talks at Google
2. and they have banter.
Anna Kendrick _ Scrappy Little Nobody _ Talks at Google
3. You can write banter.
Toni Collette, Catherine Hardwicke, Jacqueline Bisset + More _ Miss You Already _ Talks at Google
4. cocktail party banter.
Finding Samuel Lowe _ Paula Madison _ Talks at Google
5. Just so much banter.
Off to the Races _ Jukebox the Ghost _ Talks at Google
Esempi dal corpus di testo per Banter
1. They banter about family, the Redskins, Thanksgiving.
2. "More yoghurt–related banter," says Steve Fairman.
3. We’re both Aquarians, so you have to hear our banter.
4. Banter heard across campus ran the gamut –– on one subject.
5. A CNN official eventually interrupted the bathroom banter.